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Table of contents :
The Oxford Handbook of DIETRICH BONHOEFFER
Table of Contents
List of Abbreviations
List of Contributors
Bonhoeffer’s Life
Bonhoeffer Scholarship
Aims of the Handbook
Overview of the Handbook
Works Cited
Chapter 1: Bonhoeffer the Student
The Self Turned In On Itself
The Turn
In Conversation With Karl Holl
In Conversation With Karl Barth
Suggested Reading
Works Cited
Chapter 2: Bonhoeffer in North America
Liberal Theology in Germany
Liberal Theology in America
Bonhoeffer’s Assessment of Union Theological Seminary
Friendships at Union and the Impact of Harlem
Suggested Reading
Works Cited
Chapter 3: Bonhoeffer the Academic Theologian
Context: the Transition from Student to University Teaching
Winter Semester 1931/2: Systematic Theology and Philosophy
Summer Semester 1932: Church and Ethics
Winter Semester 1932/3: Anthropology and Creation
Summer Semester 1933: Christology
Bonhoeffer the Academic Theologian
Suggested Reading
Works Cited
Chapter 4: Bonhoeffer and the Church Struggle
Introduction to the Church Struggle
The Church and the Jewish Question
Church and State Relations
Continuing the Struggle from London
The Finkenwalde Years
Political Resistance in the Abwehr
Suggested Reading
Works Cited
Chapter 5: Bonhoeffer and the Conspiracy
Bonhoeffer’s Role in the German Resistance Circles
Understanding Bonhoeffer’s Role in the Conspiracy
Understanding Bonhoeffer the Theologian in This Context
Suggested Reading
Works Cited
Chapter 6: Bonhoeffer and Ecumenism
An Ecumenical Formation: the Young Bonhoeffer
In Ecumenical Service, 1931–3
Ecumenism and the Onset of the Church Struggle
Ecumenical Friendship and Ecumenical Challenge
Finkenwalde: the Confessing Church and the Ecumenical Movement
Ecumenism in War and Resistance
Suggested Reading
Works Cited
Chapter 7: Bonhoeffer and the Jews
Context and Action
Early Actions and Reactions to the ‘Aryan Paragraph’ (1933)
Discussions in the Church about the ‘Aryan Paragraph’
Failed Reactions to the ‘Nuremberg Laws’ and New Perspectives on the Old Testament (1935)
The Kristallnacht Pogrom, the Deportations of the Jews, and Ethics (1938–43)
Theological Reflections on Jewish Suffering, 1943/4
Suggested Reading
Works Cited
Chapter 8: Bonhoeffer the Preacher
The Predigerseminar and the Nature of Biblical Preaching
Preaching as Present-Tense Encounter
Christianity after Religion and Worldly Preaching
Suggested Reading
Works Cited
Chapter 9: Scripture
The Bible in Bonhoeffer’s Life and Work
The Bible as God’s Word in Human History and Language
The Whole of the Bible
The Bible in All Its Parts
The Bible in Its Witness to the Cross
Conclusion: Preaching and Pondering the Word of God
Suggested Reading
Works Cited
Chapter 10: God
Prometity and Alterity: the Christological Grammar of God’s Graciousness
Act and Being (1929)
‘Concerning the Christian Idea of God’ and the Christology Lectures (1931–3)
The Letters and Papers from Prison (1943/4)
Suggested Readings
Works Cited
Chapter 11: Christology
Christ the Revelation of God
The Nature of Christology
Negative Christology
Positive Christology
Jesus Christ and the Church
The Personhood of Jesus Christ in the Church
Christ Existing as Church-Community
Christ the Mediator
Christ as Mediator of Creation and the Fallen World
Christ as the Mediator of Myself
Acknowledging Christ the Mediator in Discipleship
Christ as Mediator of the Christian Community
Christ as Mediator for Reading Scripture
Christ as Mediator of All Reality
Following Christ
Christ for Us Today
Suggested Reading
Works Cited
Chapter 12: The Holy Spirit
The Unity of Word and Spirit
The Work of the Spirit in the Church
The Work of the Spirit in the World
The Transcendence of the Spirit
Works Cited
Chapter 13: Creation
Christ, the Mediator of Creation
Early Writings
On World and Creation
Being in Adam, New Creation in Christ
The God of the Cosmologists and the Creator
Not Orders of Creation but Orders of Preservation
Creation and Fall
Both creatio ex nihilo and conservatio continua
Myth, Science, and Scripture
The Freedom of the Creator and the analogia relationis
Towards a Confessional Doctrine of Creation
New Creation: The Body of Christ for this World
Christ the Mediator
Divine Mandates
Final Reflections
Suggested Reading
Works Cited
Chapter 14: Anthropology
Opening Questions
Personhood, Sociality, and Responsibility
Freedom, Dependence, and Suffering
Body and Spirit—the Human Animal
Power, Gender and Perspective: Theological Anthropology Beyond Bonhoeffer
Suggested Reading
Works Cited
Chapter 15: Sin and Salvation
The Person of Christ
Early Works
Subsequent Developments
Last Works
Suggested Reading
Works Cited
Chapter 16: Ecclesiology
Sanctorum Communio
Vicarious Representative Action
The Primary Visibility of the Church As the Body of Christ
The Church As the Work of the Holy Spirit
Sacraments, Preaching, and Offices
Conclusion: The Church in a World Come of Age
Suggested Reading
Works Cited
Chapter 17: The Christian Life
Witnessing to the Word: the Grammar of Bonhoeffer’s Life
Two Paradigms of Christian Life
The Christian Life as Life ‘in Christ’
The Mandates as the Public Forms of Christian Life
Suggested Readings
Works Cited
Chapter 18: Eschatology
Eschatology as Hermeneutics
Bonhoeffer’s Early Eschatology
Ethics and Eschatology
Eschatology, Ethics, and Prison
Suggested reading
Works Cited
Chapter 19: The Reality of Christian Ethics
The Reality of the Times
Concrete Reality and Abstraction
The Reality of God in Jesus Christ
Responsible Action
The Concrete Commandment
Suggested Reading
Works Cited
Chapter 20: The Form of Ethical Life
The Subject Matter of Christian Ethics
Formed by God and Conformed to Christ
Christ Taking Form in the Politics of the Church
Christ Taking Form in Ethical Qualities and Practices
Christ Taking Form in Responsible Action
Christ Taking Form in the Mandates and Natural Life
Suggested Reading
Works Cited
Chapter 21: Freedom, Responsibility, and Moral Agency
Freedom and Moral Agency
Responsibility for the Other
Vicarious Representative Action
Accordance with Reality
Taking On Guilt
Freedom For God and the Other
The Christological Ground of Responsibility
Suggested Reading
Works Cited
Chapter 22: Religion and Secularity
Clarifying Bonhoeffer’s Conception of Religionless Christianity
Charles Taylor’s Analysis of the Secular Age
Two Features of Secularity: Individualism and Modern Science
Suggested Readings
Works Cited
Chapter 23: Bonhoeffer and Political Life
When is Life Political?
Bonhoeffer’s Political Formation
Bonhoeffer’s Theological Formation
Crisis and Response
Orders, Offices, Tasks, and Mandates
Two Kingdoms? One Reality
‘On the Possibility of the Church’s Message to the World’
On Taking Another’s Place
Suggested Reading
Works Cited
Chapter 24: Bonhoeffer’s Christian Peace Ethic, Conditional Pacifism, and Resistance
The Emergence of Bonhoeffer’s Peace Ethic
Toward Christocentric Concentration and Concrete Discipleship
‘Christ and Peace’ and Fanø
Peace Ethic, Force, Violence, and War
Bonhoeffer’s Practice of His Peace Ethic
Theology and Political Resistance: Coup d’État and Tyrannicide
Conclusion: Bonhoeffer’s ‘Pacifism’ and Resistance
Suggested Reading
Works Cited
Chapter 25: Bonhoeffer and Feminist Theologies
Bonhoeffer’s Stated Views on Patriarchy and Women
Methods for Sustained Engagement
Christology: an Opportunity for Mutual Correction
Suggested Readings
Works Cited
Chapter 26: Bonhoeffer and Race
Bonhoeffer’s Formation in Post-Colonial Germany
Bonhoeffer’s Völkisch Dissonance
Christ Existing as Church-Community: the Social Principle of the Church
Bonhoeffer’s Move from the Abstract to the Concrete
No Difference in the Fare
Suggested Reading
Works Cited
Chapter 27: Bonhoeffer, Community, and Witness
Thinking after Bonhoeffer
Communal Disintegration and the Dissolution of Witness
Communal and Personal Formation and the Arcane Discipline
The Communal and Personal Space of Freedom
The Ecclesial Polyphony of Life
Suggested Reading
Works Cited
Chapter 28: Bonhoeffer, South Africa, and Global Contexts
Public Theology and the Concept of Ubuntu
Bonhoeffer’s Theological Anthropology
A Public Theology of Human Dignity and Rights
Bonhoeffer and a Public Theology of Responsibility
Suggested Reading
Works Cited
Chapter 29: Bonhoeffer and Contemporary Philosophy
Bonhoeffer’s Phenomenology of Personhood
Bonhoeffer’s Personalism and Levinas’s Ethical Philosophy
Bonhoeffer’s Hermeneutic Theology
Bonhoeffer and Contemporary Philosophy
Suggested Reading
Works Cited
Chapter 30: Sources and Texts
Bonhoeffer’s Legacy and Early Editions
Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works Editions
Other Primary Sources
Secondary Sources
Other Resources
Suggested Reading
Worked Cited
Chapter 31: Biographies and Portraits
Mary Bosanquet, The Life and Death of Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1968)
Eberhard Bethge, Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Theologian, Christian, Contemporary (1970)
Edwin Robertson, The Shame and the Sacrifice: the Life and Preaching of Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1987)
Eric Metaxas, Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy (2010); and Charles Marsh, Strange Glory: A Life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer (2014)
Ferdinand Schlingensiepen, Dietrich Bonhoeffer 1906–1945: Martyr, Thinker, Man of Resistance (2010)
Works Cited
Other Biographical Material
Chapter 32: Readings and Receptions
The Radical Bonhoeffer
The Post-Holocaust Bonhoeffer
The Populist Bonhoeffer
Suggested Reading
Works Cited